35th international unity conference kicks off in Tehran

TEHRAN — The 35th International Conference on Islamic Unity started on Tuesday with the presence of President Ebrahim Raisi.
Hojjatoleslam Hamid Shahriari, the secretary-general of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought (WFPIST), addressed the conference attended by prominent scholars from around the world.
The conference, which runs until October 24, is being held on the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Congratulating the participants on the occasion of the birth of the Prophet (PBUH) and Imam Sadegh (AS), the cleric noted: "Unfortunately, today we are witnessing war, conflict and bloodshed in the Islamic world. For this reason, we made the theme of the 35th Conference on Islamic Unity, ‘Peace and the Avoidance of Division and Conflict in the Islamic World’."
"Global arrogance is always trying to justify its presence in the region by warmongering and bloodshed and looting Islamic countries."
Referring to the causes of conflicts in the Islamic world, Shahriari criticized some “dependent” scholars who provide the ground for the presence of oppressors in Islamic countries or normalization of ties with Israel.
Such moves set the stage for serious differences in words and beliefs, he pointed out.
He also expressed worry about "the ignorance and betrayal of some followers of Islamic religions that promote violence, lack of religious democracy in some countries and the existence of sectarianism and following blind prejudices.”
The secretary-general offered solutions to the existing conflicts between Islamic countries.
The cleric also called for “resistance against global arrogance and its extravagance by creating strong governmental and economic systems in Islamic countries, ending dependence of Islamic scholars on authoritarian governments, observing the norms of disagreements among the followers of different religions, and exposing arrogant acts by the revolutionary media."
Educating the ignorant by ulema, pursuing the demands of the Islamic nations, countering sectarianism and nationalism, and relying on the Qur'an and the Holy Prophet (PBUH), pursuing rational methods for resolving disputes, healthy competition between Islamic countries that can be very constructive were among the solutions that Shahriari put forward, IRNA reported.
Coinciding with the beginning of Unity Week, the international unity conference is being held in-person and virtually with the participation of a group of Islamic thinkers and scholars from 52 countries. The purpose of the conference is to create unity and solidarity among Muslims, the consensus of scholars to approximate their scientific and cultural views, as well as to review and present practical solutions to achieve unity and forming a united Ummah in the Islamic world and solving the problems of Muslims and providing appropriate solutions in this regard.
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